April 21st:
Earth Day Family Fun at the
Grange - Free Program
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Prepare to get down and dirty! Bring your
recyclable plastics and newspapers to the Putnam
Valley Grange and we'll help you transform them
into mini-salad gardens. Kids will help us mix
soil, plant seeds and water. Adults will help us
make pots and learn how to transplant seedlings
for a larger container garden.
Bring your seed packets for swapping too!
Suggested recyclables include: Cleaned salad
boxes, yogurt cups, pint and quart size round
containers with lids, pastry clamshells;
non-glossy newspaper.
First come, first served.
Our special guests will be the Famous Hudson
Valley Llamas! Ask your llama questions, give
the llamas some love and attention, even walk
one around on your own! Visit
hvllamas.com to see pictures of these Putnam
Valley cutie pies!
For more information, email
April 27th:
Backyard Farming Series: Basic
Backyard Beekeeping
2:00 - 4:00 pmBasic Backyard Beekeeping will be presented
by Regina Blakeslee. Regina has been keeping
honey bees for over five years in her backyard
in Yorktown Heights, near Hilltop Hanover
Farm. She has taken beekeeping courses at
Cornell University's Master Beekeeping Program,
Natural Beekeeping courses at the Pfeiffer
Center, Chestnut Ridge, NY, and other continuing
education workshops with the Backyard Beekeeping
Association (BYBA) in Southwest, CT. Regina is
also a master gardener with Cornell Cooperative
Extension and volunteers at a community garden
and Hilltop Hanover Farm.
Honey bees have taught her a lot about walking
alongside nature - observing, interacting and
fair share. She feels that we have much to
learn from honey bees and that anyone feeling
the call to become a beekeeper should explore
the hobby because honey bees are an essential
component of healthy local and regional food
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Cost: $10 for Grange members, $15 for
Pre-registration encouraged but not required.
Pre-register by emailing:
May 6th: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
May 25th: Meet the Famous Hudson Valley
Program at 10:00 am and again at 2:00 pm
Meet the Llamas
Come to the Grange and learn all about the
wonderful world of llamas in a program
appropriate for the entire family.
Where did llamas
originate? (probably not where you think).
What do llamas eat and how many stomachs do they have?
How long is a llama's gestation period? (a lot longer
than you might think).
How are llamas used by man today?
Pet them, feed them, take one for a walk. And
take all the photos you'd like.
The Famous Hudson Valley Llamas are waiting to
meet you!
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
This event is FREE and open to the public -
donations welcome.
Pre-registration welcome but not required.
Pre-register by emailing:

Click to
Open Event Flyer |
June 3rd: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
June 22nd: Backyard Farming Series:
Equine Maladies
Colic, Lameness,
and Common Ailments - and Prevention!
2:00 - 4:00 pm
With presenter
Michelle Delco, DVM from Cornell University.
Dr. Delco
worked in private practice for 4 years
in the greater Seattle area. In 2012,
she decided to return to the university
realm to pursue a research degree, and
was awarded a grant through the NIH to
complete a PhD at Cornell in the
department of Biological and Biomedical
Sciences. Her research will focus on
arthritis; her lab investigates the
mechanisms that cause progressive of
joint damage after injury. The goal is
to develop better diagnostics and
treatments to prevent irreversible joint
damage, dysfunction and chronic pain (in
horses and humans.)
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road - Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Cost: $10 for Grange members, $15 for
Pre-registration encouraged but not required.
To pre-register or for more info, e-mail:
PutnamValleyGrange@gmail.com |
July 1st: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
July 26-28th: 42nd Annual
Putnam County 4-H Fair At the Putnam
County Veterans Memorial Park
201 Gipsy Trail Road
Town of Kent, NY

August 5th: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
August 10th: Putnam Valley
Grange Square Dance
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Music, Square Dancing, Refreshments and more...
Location Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Rd. / Adams
Putnam Valley, NY 10579

Click to
Open Event Flyer |
September 2nd: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
September 5th-8th: Yorktown
Grange Fair 2013 At the Grange Fair
99 Moseman Road
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Yorktown Grange Fair - now in its 89th
A true agricultural
fair, unique in Westchester County, the
Yorktown Grange Fair provides family fun
and entertainment while preserving the
rural heritage of northern Westchester.
The Yorktown Grange Fair is presented
annually by The Grange Fair Association,
a not-for-profit, volunteer
organization. Your admission fee and
other fair revenues are used exclusively
to fund next year's fair and support to
local charities and service
September 21st: Putnam Valley
Town Day Putnam Valley Town Park
Oscawana Lake Road
Putnam Valley, NY
September 21st:
Backyard Farming Series: Composting 101
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Cost: $10 for Grange members, $15 for
Pre-registration encouraged but not required.
Pre-register by emailing:
October 4th:
Friday Film Series - October: Masters of Horror
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Universal Studios, 1931
Directed by James Whale
Come to the Haunted Grange for a
showing of one of the
American cinema's classic horror films from the
1930s and 40s...
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Admission is Free
(but a donation will be welcome).
Popcorn, Snacks and Beverages will be available for purchase.
October 7th: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
October 11th:
Friday Film Series - October: Masters of Horror
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Universal Studios, 1931
Directed by Tod Browning
Come to the Haunted Grange for a
showing of one of the
American cinema's classic horror films from the
1930s and 40s...
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Admission is Free
(but a donation will be welcome).
Popcorn, Snacks and Beverages will be available for purchase.
October 12th:
Meet the Artist - Sculptor and Painter Anthony Padavano
A FREE event for the Putnam Valley Community
At the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Artist Anthony Padavano, who has taught at both Columbia and
Sarah Lawrence Universities, and has had his
works exhibited in numerous museums, will share
the "Process of Sculpture" - while you enjoy
viewing his work, some of which will be
available for purchase!

Click Here to Open Flyer |
October 18th:
Friday Film Series - October: Masters of Horror
8:00 - 10:00 pm The
Wolf Man
Universal Studios, 1941
Directed by George
Come to the Haunted Grange for a
showing of one of the
American cinema's classic horror films from the
1930s and 40s...
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Admission is Free
(but a donation will be welcome).
Popcorn, Snacks and Beverages will be available for purchase.
October 25th:
Friday Film Series - October: Masters of Horror
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Universal Studios, 1948
Directed by Charles
Come to the Haunted Grange for a
showing of one of the
American cinema's classic (sort of) horror films
from the 1930s - 40s...
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Admission is Free
(but a donation will be welcome).
Popcorn, Snacks and Beverages will be available for purchase.
October 26th:
4th Annual Putnam Valley Psychic Fair
10:00 am - 7:00 pmReadings
Jewelry ● Gifts and more...
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
For more information:
November 2nd:
Putnam Valley Small Business Expo
Join us for
a Putnam Valley Small Business Expo
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Peekskill Hollow Road)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
$25 to have a display table and let
the community
know who you are and what you can do for them!
FREE for the community to
come and learn who they should be
Click Here to Visit The Small Business Expo Page |
Putnam Valley
For more information:
November 4th: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
November 9th:
Backyard Farming Series: Mushroom Inoculation
2:00 - 4:00 pmLearn to grow your own delicious
and healthful mushrooms!
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Cost: $20 Grange Members $25
Pre-registration required.
Pre-register by emailing:

Click Here to
Learn More or to Pre-Register |
November 14th:
Spirit Communication Night - Message Circle
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley NY 10579
Fee: $10 |

Click Here to Learn More and
Register |
December 2nd: Putnam Valley Grange Business Meeting
7:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |
December 7th: You and Yours
CPR Training At the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Click Here to Learn More
At the Grange Hall
128 Mill Street ●
Putnam Valley, NY |

You and Yours
Pet First Aid/CPR Class
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
December 21-22: Putnam
Valley Grange Holiday Fair
10:00 am - 4:00 pmAt the Putnam Valley Grange Hall
128 Mill Street (at Adams Corners)
Putnam Valley, NY 10579 |